Google More Focused on Mobile

The headline isn't a shocker-billions of mobile devices are used worldwide by billions of people. Try posting a video to YouTube that's not mobile-friendly and see if you can get more than 20 views. But in the age of mobile dominance, it's not about realizing the importance of smartphones and tablets in the marketplace, but providing the best options and features within your specific platform.


Over the past five years, Google has been pushing hard to have the best mobile-friendly search engine. And the emphasis is not on having the ability to browse from your phone (you can do that with all the major web crawlers), but it's about the best experience while on your phone.

Screen size has always been an issue when it comes to displaying Internet data on a smartphone or similar technology. Even with that in mind, longer descriptions and more information are being displayed.

"Google is testing showing site and search results description snippets in the mobile search results interface. Google launched site description overlays in the desktop results earlier this year and now it appears to be coming to mobile results," reported Barry Schwartz.

Consumers are usually trying to find the answer to a question when they search-how much, where is it located, what's the number, who's winning, when is it happening, etc.? Longer results, going along the same theme as the knowledge graph, hope to provide users with the quick answers for which they are searching.

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